Translation Revision: 3-Hour Online Workshop (General)

Date: February 27, 2025 (9:30 AM-12:30 PM EST)
When you check your own draft translation, or someone else’s translation, are you aware of using any particular principles in order to decide whether corrections or improvements are needed? Do you have definite procedures you consistently follow when revising? Do you think your revision work is efficient? This workshop is designed to help you clarify your thinking about revision principles and procedures
There will be slideshow presentations on the various topics, interspersed with both text-based and scenario-type exercises and lots of opportunities for discussion. depending on demand, small groups will operate in either English or French for the text-based exercises.
Some of the topics we’ll cover:
- What is quality for the purposes of revision?
- When is a change necessary (and when should you leave the draft as is)?
- What are the benefits and risks of comparative re-reading? of unilingual re-reading?
- Shall I revise on paper? on screen? a combination?
- How much attention should I devote to creating consistency in the translation?
- Can generativeAI revise?