Glendon ENtrepreneuriat et Innovation A L’international (GENIAL)
G-EN-I-A-L’s vision is to become a key player in the development and promotion of entrepreneurship and innovation by offering tailor-made programming for Glendon students, Faculties and Ontario francophones. G-EN-I-A-L works in partnership with LauchYU and Innovation York to achieve its mission.
The Department of International Studies has recently launch a new double degree program in International Studies and Business Administration (IBA/BBA). The department has added to its team new faculties in the fields of management, entrepreneurship and innovation. In addition, new courses have been created, notably in the field of entrepreneurship and innovation. G-EN-I-A-L leverage these new resources as well as new courses for the implementation of its programming.
G-EN-I-A-L offers Glendon students, faculties and Ontario francophones a training program, extracurricular activities and a research program in entrepreneurship, and innovation.